Our URJC EULiST coordinator, Juan Manuel García Camús, has attended, at the end of last week, the European Quality Assurance Forum (2023) together with three other members of the EULiST alliance: Martina Reháková from the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava (STU) and two colleagues from the Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien), Markus Reismann and Christina Kroneder. The meeting was organized on the purpose of the event hosted by the University of Aveiro, Portugal, based on the theme of internationalization in a changing world and focused on new trends and challenges for Quality Assurance.
This conference was divided into several sessions in which important topics were addressed, such as the ways in which quality assurance can promote the long-sustainability of transnational cooperation as well as the ESG criteria and how to innovate in quality assurance according to the priorities of the different stakeholders involved in the internationalisation of higher education. Of particular interest to us as an alliance was the conference on quality assurance in European Universities Alliances.