Rey Juan Carlos University has received the visit of rectors and management teams of the alliance of universities formed by ten higher education centers from all over Europe.
Raúl García Hémonnet
The EULIST university alliance, of which the URJC is a member, came within a few months of being recognized as a European University Alliance by the European Commission. Now, at the URJC, its leaders are holding their 1st General Assembly to start drawing up the new proposal to be presented in Brussels.
To this end, “two days of meetings will be held with the participation of vice-rectors and support teams organized in the ‘Management Board’ and ‘Coordination Office’ groups, respectively, who will work on different aspects of the proposal,” says Juan Manuel García Camús, EULiST Local Coordinator.
Seven rectors of the universities that are part of EULIST and a total of 40 people between all the delegations are expected to visit. The Assembly will also serve to welcome a new EULIST member, the Institut Mines Télecom, a group of eight engineering schools in France. This French entity will join the group formed by Rey Juan Carlos, National Technical University Of Athens, Brno University Of Technology and Slovak University Of Technology Bratislava. The group is completed by: Leibniz University Hannover, Lappeenranta-Lahti University Of Technology LUT, Jönköping University, Universitá degli Estudi Roma Trè y Technische Universität Wien.
EULIST was born a year ago with the aim of building “a university of universities at European level”, explains García Camús, “an initiative that goes far beyond Erasmus”. The ultimate goal is to achieve total mobility of students, teaching and research staff and administrative and service staff, making it possible, among other things, for a student to start his or her degree in Madrid, continue it in Hannover and finish it in Bratislava.
This undoubtedly contributes to greater European integration from the point of view of Higher Education, to which the URJC is one hundred percent committed.