Pablo T. Salvadores, Chair of EULiST Management Board, will be part of the executive committee of the recently created group of Spanish Universities in European Universities (UEUE), a group that will be chaired for the next two years by Dorothy Kelly from the University of Granada belonging to the ARQUS Alliance.

The general objective of this Spanish Universities forum is to create a cooperation environment that allows sharing knowledge, experiences, and best practices among Spanish universities and other higher education institutions participating in European University alliances, as well as the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities; the Conference of Rectors of Spanish Universities (CRUE); the National Agency for Evaluation and Accreditation (ANECA), and the Spanish Service for the Internationalization of Education (SEPIE). Moreover, given the nature of these European University consortia, they can serve as a testing ground for national policies, such as the development of professional micro-credentials and the new European Degrees.

The 56 Spanish universities that are members of the UEUE participate in 53 alliances out of the 65 existing across Europe, each of which constitutes a European university and is a strategic initiative of the European Union to drive the transformation of higher education in Europe and promote the universities of the future.