Our Objective
Our collective motivation is based on a set of shared values and principles. Among these are equality, inclusion, diversity, democracy and peaceful international cooperation.
In line with the objectives of the European Education Area and the European Research Area, in synergy with the European Higher Education Area, we believe in the active role of universities and borderless mobility and innovation in the digital age. We believe in sustainable development, in life-long learning and in providing future-proof skills for sustainable, long-term employment that match the twin green and digital transition. We strive for interdisciplinary, high-impact research while ensuring academic freedom, open data and open science for the general public in order to serve society.

All EULiST Members are strongly committed to these core values and objectives and will stick to them in the future. Working together as one university with shared institutional structures of a common academic ecosystem and across academic disciplines will enable us all to accomplish more than we could on our own: educating students and scholars to think, create and act in ways that benefit a diverse and inclusive society. Our combined capacities will help propel cooperation between the EULiST regions and thus foster sustainable European cohesion.
Transdisciplinary European projects will support the regions to act as motors for implementing the Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. In line with the UN Agenda 2030, particularly SDG 17, our interregional cooperation will be complemented by global multi-stakeholder partnerships to mobilise and share knowledge, expertise, technology and financial resources for globally sustainable development. The two Specialisation Indexes below identify the SDGs that EULiST Members most specialise in compared to the rest of Europe. For both publications and projects, EULiST’s research is highly specialised in SDGs 6, 7, 9, 11, 12 and 13.

Our institutional diversity, allied to that of our local and national environments, ecosystems and student bodies, gives us the necessary diversity of perspectives to develop solutions relevant to both metropolitan and regional areas. Solutions that aim to counter increasing inequalities and polarisation and contribute to social cohesion. Solutions that aim not only to help solve challenges facing our planet but also those affecting different forms of human agglomerations.
To fulfil the EULiST Mission and Ambition and in line with the needs we have identified, we will actively pursue the following specific objectives below. These objectives, while achieving their full impact over a longer period, will be achieved over the duration of the current project. All specific objectives aim to achieve the overall goal of developing a long-term European inter-university joint strategy for education of a new generation of graduates and young researchers where social sciences, humanities and STEM disciplines are interlinked and benefit from each other, with climate action as a first focus of core activities which will also include research and outreach.
EULiST Digital Campus and Knowledge Hub
Accessible and Attractive Services and Increased Borderless Mobility
Sustainable EULiST Campuses
Innovative Educational Models and Tools
Open Science and Regional Innovation
Mover Diversity in STEM
The European University of the Future